Friday 13 September 2013

MGT 350 Week 5 Final Exam ·

MGT 350 Critical Thinking: Strategies In Decision Making

1.           Fair minded thinkers may have the following intellectual qualities:
2.           Some bad habits of thinking produce poor results due to:
3.           Starbursting is a critical thinking approach used in decision making to understand
4.           Enculturation can be described as: 
5.           Select the best answer - Risks can be defined as: 
6.           Select the best answer - Bad decisions are the type of decisions based on:
7.           If a decision is legal, is it considered ethical?
8.           If a decision is ethical, is it considered legal?
9.           Las Vegas airport is one of the airports in the nation to provide oxygen therapy to air travelers. The objective of this business is to provide extra energy to its airline customers. The effects of this therapy can be described as:
10.       Understanding person’s enculturation may help with the understanding of that person’s